Every photographer has a story, and mine didn’t start with a love for photography..

My story started the day I packed my bags and moved to England. I had just finished college in my early 20’s and I was ready for a change. I have to tell you, this was the first time I truly felt like I had no control over what the future held and I didn't know it at the time, but doing something like this once really sets the tone on taking risks down the road, too.

I say this because years later after moving home and settling in, I did it again. It was much easier this time around though. This time, I sold all of my belongings- including my car, quit my comfy salary job at The Four Seasons Hotel and travelled around the world for a year. I started in Spain and slowly travelled around Europe, SE Asia and New Zealand. I would like to add that I had no trust fund or wealthy parents, I was raised by my mom who didn’t have much but gave us everything. This taught me to value my experiences throughout my life rather than physical things that I had.

The amount of life experience I got from my years of travel was more than any school, job or Individual could have EVER taught me. It truly humbled me and changed so many limiting beliefs I had about the world and about myself. If you leave for long enough, walls you never knew you spent your life building begin to break down and it changes you. I fell in love with so many wonderful places and beautiful walks of life on the road.

Years later, I find myself looking back on those moments often, and I don’t know what I would do without them. Photography was one of the only things that gave me those memories back. When I can do that for someone else, it brings me so much gratitude and reminds me that what I am doing is something that truly matters.